7 mindset tips for creating online brand guidelines.
If you are one of those brand creators or brand owners who constantly are challenging the status quo of the branding industry and always looking for fresh mindset tools, then keep scrolling through this article to find out how brand guidelines should look and function in 2021 and beyond…
— digitally and interactively, of course.
Brand is always in motion
Style guides consistency should too.
Most often business rebranding is sparked by the fact that your identity is tired and no longer communicates what you’re about. In 2021 it makes no sense to use static «brandbook_final-superfinal-v99.pdf» and related .zip asset folders for rebranding and expect to reach needed respect from employees and partners towards new guidelines. Instead, you should share a brand book with just one link which is always up-to-date, it gives digital experience and let users discover and interact with the brand identity system e.g. corebook.io.
👨🏻🚀 Alright, brand Jedi, grab a cup of matcha latte, noise-canceling earbuds, put your phone on wireless charging or do anything else modern, futuristic, digitally flex, and dive into this 7 mindset tips journey to find out how to build an online style guide and where is the space for innovation here.
° 01 Let’s face it, who has a passion to read long asset guidelines text?
Try to step into the shoes of those agency designers or marketing managers who will receive a brand book and actually use it daily… In reality, no one has a time to go into all esoteric meaning behind every asset because when we visually see long text block — our brains triggers the thought: «let’s just find that logo section, download the file and run a heck away from this corporate hell called «The Big BOOK of brand with 99 pages».» Getting rid of .pdf gives new possibilities such as:
° 02 Standardized layout
Up until now there really was no layout standard for brand books that all brand creators and managers collectively would accept as such. Everybody just designed them by their own means and most often designers designed sexy avantgarde layouts for the sole purpose of impressing other designers or clients and in the process forgetting brand books’ highest purpose as an approved guideline document — keeping the brand message, image, and tone of voice consistent.
Mindset directions:
° 03 Minimalistic is sexy, but let’s not forget to be pretty too
Because the standardized brand book layout doesn’t have to mean that we cannot have fun anymore. For the sake of practicality and looks, why not choose just one landing page of the brand book where you can craft sexy-Behance-style-story about brand identity with pretty mockups and vibe-visuals. Let’s call it «Philosophy» or «Guideline intro» section.
° 04 Interactive AF
When an asset is displayed user should be able to interact with it and get the desired outcome immediately such as pop-up with all the file formats for download or sharing without looking for that option somewhere else.
° 05 Multi-sensory assets and touchpoints
° 06 Social media/content marketing
These days almost everyone has their own ecosystem with their social networks. Write down guidelines and skip the fuss:
° 07 Don’t waste time on building an online brand platform from scratch
— These should be keywords when you are searching for specific online brand book service.
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